Updates on Warrior Brodie

Update - 10/25/2015

Hi BGVTers!!!

I am so excited to share with you some of the progressions that we have had. I must start by telling you about our little warrior Brodie!

Yesterday was a really rough day and then a good day - Brodie had a really rough go with sleep. He just could not let himself rest. He was up for about 20 hours straight - he was SO tired. You could tell he just needed to sleep so he was irritable, cranky, wanted to be loved, wanted to be laid down, wanted food, wanted who knows - but my poor Mom who was on Grammy duty and night duty had a go with him at his worst night. I was able to come over in the morning and take over giving him some love - but Mama’s love was not the answer either.

They gave him some ultrasounds and he also had some respiratory “pounding” (which he loves and gets every 4 hours) to help with some of the congestion and then we decided that poor little guy just needed to sleep. They gave me a chance to nurse him I was so excited (Yes little buddy finally gets to eat!!) and he didn’t even have the energy to latch on. He just continued falling asleep and waking up and falling asleep and waking up. That is when we finally decided tie for a sedative.

He took about a 5 hour nap and woke up refreshed and then they decided to start him on some breastmilk - they started feeding him through his NG tube (this is the tube you see in pictures that is hooked into his nose) they started him off with 10 MLs (this is so tiny think of a little medicine dropper this is like that amount) every hour through this tube - they wanted to observe and see how his tummy processed everything and how everything was “working”.

Things went great. Russ was on daddy duty by then and Brodie was able to soothe himself and took quite a few naps and had a really good night. I think Russ thinks it is because the Buckeyes games was on and it was the eve of Football Sunday - which Brodie obviously LOVES - HA!

Today came and it just started great. I woke up to Russ calling me and telling me that Brodie was going to get a bottle! A what - I said? A bottle. Russ repeated - a real filled up baby bottle. ANNNNNND they are going to take out his NGTube (this is the tube in his nose).

So I received a video shortly after of my sweet big guy feeding my adorable-face-tube-free little guy a yummy bottle (I will post later this week it is too cute not to!) Brodie totally chugged the bottle that Russ gave him and he was starving for more. He did great.

Our rule was today feed him when he is hungry we didn’t go over 4 oz a feeding we still want to take it slow but it was amazing! So great to see his little lips smacking and him enjoying the deliciousness of milk - hooray!

Then we got even more great news - we are being sent out of the PICU tomorrow - WOOT WOOT. We will be going to the step down floor! This is where Brodie will be observed and we will watch how he eats and how he is gaining weight and then… wait for it… are you ready? IF (and this is a strong if but IF) he responds and does well - we could be discharged this week. Um. Yes. You read that right. If Brodie continues to eat consistently. If Brodie continues to show progression and weight gain. Then we will be going home. Now remember anything could happen so who knows if this will even happen or come close to happening but we just like to know it is a possibility and that makes us really happy.

And if my day could not be any better after all of this - I came over for one more snuggle session with Brodie and was just snoodling with him like I always do and then it happened. He gave me one of his big gummy baby delicious smiles. And kept smiling and smiling and smiling for about 10 mins - thanks to the photography skills of Leann (my sis) she snapped me and him in the photo that is here.

My heart melted and I cried again for the 23430750402938402 time this week in sheer joy and baby bliss - that my little guy is nestled in there and milestone by milestone we are working our way up and he is just loving his new liver and I am such a thankful-awestruck-amazed mama that I have a beautiful boy who is a miracle and moving a mountain right in front of me.

So I will leave you with this Tribe…

“I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we're all teachers - if we're willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door.” Marla Gibbs

#truth Marla - This little man is inspiring me and hopefully you every day. The people that work with us at CCF inspire me every day. The support that has been given to us by family, friends and BGVT Community is inspiring.

Maybe, just maybe, in this crazy world and with the horrible things that are happening, our little Brodie Tigue is here to show us that people are good. That there is hope. That humanity is greater than what media leads us to believe. That we do love one another. And we fiercely protect one another when we are down and wounded.

My belief in human compassion and spirit is higher than it ever has been and it took a little liver giving for me to get there. My little guy to lead me there. But he was smiling at me tonight telling me big good things are always possible.

So look and seek for the good today and I am sure you will find it.


#brodiesgoodvibetribe #tiguetough #sliverofliver

Official Liverless Liver Giver Update

Update: 10/23

Hi Y'All it is me!!!! Your favorite official liverless liver giver...

What. A. Week. Weeks like this are what movies are made of. So as Emily shared with you - we have officially given new life to our little guy. It is a miracle.

Em has done a great job bringing you up to speed - yesterday was a roller coaster and the days that I knew this process would be made Of.


I was up early because of this upper chest gas pain (i will have it for another month or two) it makes me restless and uncomfortable. (I am doing well otherwise - walking, minimal eating soft foods, etc.) we did some walking laps here and rushed over to brodie"s.

We saw his super outstanding surgeon dr. Hashimoto and amazing nurse tichy and they were reviewing progress and things. Here is the short version of happenings:

A majority of lines were removed (oxygen, catheter. Etc.)

He is packed with bile and air and they sucked a ton out of his tummy. (Over 180+ ccs)

He is going to be able to eat today - probably!

A lobe in his little lung collapsed - he can fix it just deep breaths and coughing and crying

His skin color is amazing. 17.2 billirubin score pre-surg and 2.2 post surg

Things are looking good and we are excited!! So i left going to get my first shower of the week - woot woot!

Afternoon update:
I got my shower and felt amaze and was excited and proud to carry down a tub of devoted and determined breastmilk from pre-surgery so he could eat!!!

Went down to see him and things were a bit different...

A line had stopped working his awesome nurses caught it and took care of it - it was scary

A new line was placed by a pediatric heart surgeon and Brodie tolerated it very well

Feedings are on hold for now because Brodie had some bleeding from his tube that drains his stomach (not the incision site). The docs think it could be an ulcer or an irritation from deep auctioning earlier.

Big John (the vein whisperer) drew blood for labs in about 0.2 seconds. Brodie loves him 💚

Brodie is alert and active and being snuggled by daddy mommy and grammy right now.

Roller Coaster Ride.

We are hopeful today I will be able to feed him - based on how everything looks.

It is exhausting and hard and everything your mind would imagine it to be. But it is a miracle. I am looking at my little guy who is awake, alert, alive and looking better than ever and he is running on a brand new organ... I meannn can you even fathom!? It is amazing. I am amazed.

I held Brodie and cried for about 5 minutes simply because I am so thankful - and just a Mama watching her little sweet beautiful baby fight harder than most adults would and seem unphased. He just keeps getting better no matter the hurdle.

The Cleveland Clinic Team here is the best From the liver specialist team to the PICU to the xray/ultrasound/respiratory techs to the GI team to the SICU to j8 to every single hand that has been laid on us in between. So thankful - heartfelt thanks.

I tell everyone about our TRIBE and how life and people are amazing. I tell them about everything you have done for us and how you are getting us through.

I ran into some BGVT tribers here at the clinic - who have there own medical challenges going on. We are all warriors - we just are! They all had huge smiles and just love!

Love pouring out from me and my little warrior. We are loving the good vibes and need them all. Love and be kind to each other today!

*disclaimer i am on medicine and totally sleep deprived so emily may correct anything off 😉

#brodiesgoodvibetribe #tiguetough #sliverofliver

Traci gets to hold her baby boy!

Update 10/22 Traci gets to hold her baby boy!

As Traci was preparing for this operation and for being the donor, one of the things she struggled with the most was the thought of not being able to hold and comfort Brodie as he recovered.

As you saw in the video yesterday, she was absolutely providing him with comfort during her visits with him. The sound of her voice is the most comforting sound in his universe!

But of course, for a mom that isn't enough. As she would leave from those visits, tears filled her eyes as she would tell the nurses, "keep loving on my little guy." She said it with a smile (of course) but you can imagine how hard that must have been.

But now that Brodie's tubes are out, Traci was actually able to hold her baby boy today. She was able to look into his eyes, talk to him, rock with him and comfort him the way she has so anxiously been waiting to do -- with kisses, snuggles and hugs.

Today Traci is able to start feeling like Brodie's mommy again.

And as you can see from the pictures, there is nothing but pure joy in that momma's smile. What a great day this has been for Team Tigue!

#brodiesgoodvibetribe #tiguetough #sliverofliver

Brodie is Extubated!

Update 10/22 Brodie is Extubated!

Brodie passed his CPAP test and has had his breathing tube removed! This is great progress for the little guy and really good news! It also means he no longer needs to be sedated.

He is already more active -- sucking on his little blankie, pacifying himself and taking swabs of sugar water. He is such a little fighter!

Traci is still making great progress, too. She was able to get a little more sleep last night and is no longer using the button pain medicine and is able to take meds orally.

They are certainly proving the hashtag #tiguetough to be true!

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We are on our way!

Please take a few minutes to watch the beautiful video below made by Brodie and big sister Harper's nanny, Miss Allie. It is very touching and inspiring. She has been such a gift to the Tigue family. Thank you, Allie Singleton!

Watch the video closely because you just might see yourself sporting your BGVT gear!

#brodiesgoodvibetribe #tiguetough #sliverofliver


Brodie & Traci Still Taking Cleveland Clinic by Storm

Update: 10/21 Brodie and Traci Still Taking Cleveland Clinic by Storm

Traci and Brodie are still doing great. Everyone who comes to visit is blown away by how well Traci is moving around and how much Brodie's skin color has already improved. The head pediatric GI came to visit Brodie this evening and said everything looks great! He didn't see any reason why they shouldn't be able to remove Brodie's oxygen tube in the morning. They will continue to keep him sedated until that point. That will be the next big milestone in little Brodie's recovery.

Traci was able to visit him again this evening. During this visit, she whispered very softly while she was in the room as to not get him too excited and to try not to disturb his restful sleep. It didn't matter. Even her whispers and soft touches were enough to get him fighting to look into his mommy's eyes. It was every bit as touching as the video you saw earlier.

Traci is her typical dynamic self. You would not know that she just had major surgery on one of her vital organs just two days ago. When anyone asks how she is doing, the only words out of her mouth are positive. She hasn't eaten in days. Still can't drink anything. But yet, she is all smiles. No complaining. No whining. Just complete optimism. She is even managing to make the experience fun. Taking pictures with all of her nurses and even taking fun videos (Ask her some day to see the video of her walking down the hall 24 hours after surgery singing the lyrics to Taylor Swift's "Shake it Off.") She. Is. Amazing.

Everywhere she turns she is being stopped by surgeons, doctors, nurses, social workers, childcare workers, etc., who either met her during the last few months leading up to the surgery or even just the last few days post-surgery and are following her story. They ask her how she and Brodie are doing and talk to her like they are old friends. As you know, she leaves a lasting impression on everyone she meets.

Traci joked that she hoped to rub elbows with some celebrities during her stay in the "elite" wing of the clinic. She reported today that she hasn't met any celebrities yet.

So no, Traci hasn't met any celebrities yet during her stay. But from the looks of the followers in Brodie's Good Vibe Tribe, it seems maybe Traci and Brodie ARE the celebrities at the Cleveland Clinic right now. And trust me, any of us who have been fortunate enough to rub elbows with either of them are extremely lucky.

Keep the prayers coming!

#brodiesgoodvibetribe #tiguetough #sliverofliver

Brodie Responds to Traci's Voice

Update 10/21 Brodie Responds to Traci's Voice

Traci and Brodie are both doing great! Traci was able to visit with him this morning and even in his heavily-sedated state, he still responded immediately to the sound of his mommy's voice. It is such a sweet moment and was captured in the must-watch video below. (Tear-jerker warning!)

They are keeping Brodie sedated for another day and hope to extubate him tomorrow morning. He is doing great but they don't want to rush the process.

Traci is doing awesome! Still unable to eat or drink which has to be hard but you wouldn't know it because she is her typical optimistic, happy self.

The Tigues are feeling the love, prayers and good vibes from Brodie's massive tribe and are so appreciative and thankful for each and every one of you!

#brodiesgoodvibetribe #tiguetough #sliverofliver

Traci & Brodie Doing Well

Update: 10/20/15 Traci and Brodie Doing Well

It should come as no surprise that the doctors and nurses are in love with the two Tigues at the Cleveland Clinic.

Traci's pain is being managed and she is already working with the lactation consultants. And in true Traci fashion, she is getting pictures taken with her nurses and, of course, smiling and giving a thumbs-up in each picture.

Brodie is doing well, too. They are hoping that both Brodie and Traci will get their oxygen tubes out soon. Everyone is headed in the right direction but it is a slow process.

Traci has not been able to see Brodie yet but is very anxious to do so. She is hoping to get the okay very soon. Russ saw him last night, though, and sent her some pictures. Traci's mom Leslie visited him this morning and said he looks wonderful!

Russ and Traci's sister Leann are on their way to the hospital for the next shift.

Keep the prayers coming that Traci and Brodie continue to progress well. Thank you!

#brodiesgoodvibetribe #tiguetough #sliverofliver

Brodie & Traci Reunited!

Update: 10/20 Brodie and Traci Reunited!

Another exciting update and some pictures of Traci, Russ and Brodie that are sure to melt your heart.

Traci was able to visit Brodie for the first time this afternoon and momma was all smiles with her baby boy.

Traci is doing awesome (no surprise there)! She started walking today and was moved from the SICU to her regular room. She is sore and tired but of course her normal positive self!

Brodie is still sedated and will be for the rest of the day and probably through the night to be safe. They do not want him to be active and risk him pulling out any of the lines and tubes. They are monitoring his blood pressure and swelling but everything is going as planned.

Thanks to Traci's sister Leann for taking these awesome pictures and for being there for Traci!

Your prayers, thoughts and good vibes are being felt and we are all so grateful!

#brodiesgoodvibetribe #tiguetough #sliverofliver

Transplant Updates

Update: 10/19 Go Time

7:30 AM  - Traci and Brodie are both in their operating rooms. It takes an hour and a half for Traci's anesthesia to take effect. Prayer warriors, start praying!

Traci looked great and smiled all the way to the operating room! No surprise there, right? Not only is she a rockstar, but now she is going to be a movie star, too! Cleveland Clinic was filming Traci this morning for a documentary on transplants and Channel 3 is covering the transplant, too. We will let you know as soon as we have details about when the Channel 3 segment will air.

Keep the pictures in your BGVT gear coming. Traci will love to see them when she is out of surgery.

12:20 PM - Update 10/19/15 Liver Transfer

Traci's sliver of liver is being transferred to her baby boy right now! Thank God for modern medicine!

Keep the prayers coming, warriors!

1:30 PM - Update 10/19/15 Traci's Surgery Complete

The surgeon just gave Russ an update and said Traci is done and did great! Everything went as planned. Russ will be able to see her in a few hours. Now we wait to hear about Brodie!

The pictures are awesome!

Thanks for the prayers and good vibin.' Keep them coming!

2:15 PM - 10/19/15 Update on Brodie

Brodie's coordinator just called Russ and said the liver is in and now comes the very critical (and intricate) part of connecting it. It is a tedious and slow process and they have to connect every vessel and duct. He is in stable condition and everything is going well.

Please pray they continue to go well for little Brodie.

3:50 PM - 10/19/19 Traci is Awake

Traci woke up from surgery and her mom and Russ were able to see her. Like any mom, she is not worried about herself or her pain -- the first words out of her mouth were, "how is Brodie?"

She is doing well and sleeping. She will stay in the recovery room tonight with her mom.

Brodie's surgery will probably last about three more hours.

Keep the prayers coming!

8:05 PM - Update: 10/19/15 Brodie's Surgery Complete

Brodie is out of his twelve-hour surgery and Russ will be able to see him soon! He did great and the doctors said he is functioning the way they want him to be. Such great news!

Brodie is showing his little warrior strength and I am sure they are all feeling your love and support. Thank you!

Brodie's New Liver Birthday

Update: 10/19 Brodie's New Liver Birthday

It's go time here soon... Surgeries kick off around 7-730 - they are slow, tedious procedures so there will not be a ton of fast flying details and updates. My husband Russ and Sister in Law Emily will update the page. This will be my last post until later on this week!

Please think of Russ today - he is a warrior in his own right... I keep saying i have the easy way out - ha! Send him love!

We all are good - as good as you can be with IVs and blood draws and no eating/drinking through the night. Short term pain for long term gain. We are in separate buildings.

We received a tribute earlier this week from my awesome talented cousin Robby and his equally awesome and talented friend Lexie - in the intro don't mind the organ mix- up it is liver not kidney - ha!


Yellow by Coldplay - what a perfect selection. Here are some of the lyrics:

Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And everything you do,
Yeah, they were all yellow.

I came along,
I wrote a song for you,
And all the things you do,
And it was called "Yellow".

So then I took my turn,
Oh what a thing to have done,
And it was all yellow.

Your skin,
Oh yeah your skin and bones,
Turn into
Something beautiful,
Do you know,
You know I love you so,
You know I love you so.

I swam across,
I jumped across for you,
Oh what a thing to do.
'Cause you were all yellow,

I drew a line,
I drew a line for you,
Oh what a thing to do,
And it was all yellow.

Your skin,
Oh yeah your skin and bones,
Turn into
Something beautiful,
Do you know,
For you I'd bleed myself dry,
For you I'd bleed myself dry.

Well my little warrior man - today we are going to fix you. We are going to rid your body of pain. We are going to turn your skin and bones into something beautiful. We are STOMPING OUT any trace of Biliary Atresia. We are tapping in at Round #2 a new start at this beautiful life.

For you little Brodie - you know I love you so - you are so beautiful - we are going to do this together.

Strong. Brave. Tough.

Brodie Tigue Happy New Liver Birthday!!!! Love your Mama and your special Good Vibe Tribe

#‎brodiesgoodvibetribe #‎tiguetough #‎sliverofliver