Bag the Good - The Journey Bag
In 2017, BGVT has been able to support 10 families going through transplant! We have furnished bedrooms, taken care of rent/mortgages, made sure the families were fed and clothed, furnished them with diapers and car seats, made sure they had gas for their multiple trips to and from the hospital, and also sprinkled some families with little bits of love in the form of toys, gift cards, or a massive amount of American Greetings cards.
Our aspirations for 2018 are big. We would like to support 20 families who are in need and going through transplant. We would also like to furnish transplant patients with a “Journey Bag.”
The night before we went into the Cleveland Clinic Children's – a friend - Marisa from high school dropped off a thirtyone bag that was packed to the gills with a soft blanket, slippers, pajamas, mints, pens, pad of paper, journal, granola bars, gift cards, magazines, tissues, hand lotion, and smelly bath gel.
I was so overcome with emotion and gratitude that they would spend this time and thoughtfulness on me! It put my mental frame of mind in such a positive state and it let me know that others were thinking of my family and they were "with us."
Transplant is a JOURNEY with lots of ups and downs, lots of inpatient stays, outpatient follow ups, and a lot of travel.
This Journey Bag will be theirs to travel with them inpatient and outpatient after their transplant and will include comfort items, gift cards, and greeting cards to serve as a reminder that they are not alone on their journey.
Our ask is simple: Join us in this mission. Help send someone off feeling loved and thought about and give them "A BAG OF GOOD."
To see a difference in this world we must BE the difference we wish to see and that is what BGVT is all about.
Each Bag: $40
You can contribute $5 or $500 - all contributions will be allocated to hitting our Bags for Good goal and are tax deductible!
Let's GO!
#bethegood #DOnateLIFE #BGVT #bagthegood #bagsforgood
The mission of BGVT is to raise awareness for organ donation and transplantation while creating a supportive network for individuals and families whose lives are impacted by this lifestyle.
BGVT aims to create and connect a powerful tribe that rallies, supports, educates, embraces, empowers and celebrates families impacted by transplantation. Through storytelling and journey sharing, the tribe will empower families with knowledge, experiences and support, and promoting the importance of how people can BE THE GOOD and DO LIFE.

Come treat yourself with Sibling Revelry Brewing and Barrio Tacos as BGVT rocks the Westside! Whether you want to grab some amazing dinner with Barrio Tacos or enjoy the delicious craft concoction of Sibling Revelry Brewing we will have it! You enjoy all this while “Being the Good” with Brodie's Good Vibe Tribe – what better trio could you crave?
Sibling Revelry Brewing will be donating $1.50 for every beer sold
Can’t make it? Grab a 6 pack or refill a Growler and $2.00 will go to our cause! And if you want to be styling and profiling grab gear from SBR and $5.00 will go to BGVT – WHOOP WHOOP!
Barrio Tacos will be donating 10% of all of their food truck sales – WHAT THE WHAT! Yes that is right! Can't stay? That's okay - pick some up to go!
Come thirsty. Come hungry. Come BE THE GOOD. Regardless of how you came we can tell you this - you will leave HAPPY!
We are so thrilled to partner Sibling Revelry Brewing and Barrio Tacos and hope you are too!
Bring the family - SRB is kiddo friendly!
Bring the pooch - SRB welcomes four footed friends!
Not familiar with BGVT? Doesn’t matter! Come anyways – we are a local non-profit organization that supports families in NEO who are going through Organ Transplantation – we do this through kindness, financial aide and good vibes.
Help us BE THE GOOD!