Update: 12/01/2015

Update: 12/01/2015 - 84 Days ago we had no idea what Biliary Atresia (BA) was. We had no idea that our little guys liver had been not working and was so badly scarred that it was cirrhosis condition. With our only option of liver transplant and having that under our belts we are happy healthy and BA free.

Another warrior is starting on his path to kicking BA to the curb - 5 Month old Luke has been taking advice from Brodie and will be on his way to transplant after the first of the year. Follow this amazing family's story at Luke's Legendary Liver League - Luke has received Kasai Surgery (which Brodie was too old for after his diagnosis). Luke's parents Lauren & Jason found out that they are BOTH blood matches which is the first step of many to see if they can give their little guy a sliver of their liver.

FOLLOW THEM - CHEER FOR THEM - PRAY FOR THEM! I think you will fall in love with this family (I have) and I am rooted on giving them 100% GOOD VIBES on their journey because they do not have any other option but to dominate this challenge.

Today is National Biliary Atresia Awareness Day and unfortunately I am all too AWARE of this condition 300 little babes a year are diagnosed with this and through Organ Donation - living and deceased we the people are able to help these little babes LIVE.

If you want more information on organ donation or how you can contribute to the gift of life you can contact Lifebanc - 888.558.LIFE (5433) they can help you understand volunteer opportunities, organ donation options, monetary donations and any other questions.

If you want to be a LIVE liver donor let me know and I can contact you with "my people".

More of an update to come later on this week. Life is good. We are busy living it!


#brodiesgoodvibetribe #sliverofliver #tiguetough

Update: 11/25/2015 - Evolution of the Rainbow Scar

Update: 11/25/2015

Driving with Brodie to Main Campus on Monday this song came on the radio and at first it got my fingers snapping, hands clapping, then my foot started tapping… This is like my theme song…. “Good to be Alive” by Andy Grammar – So have y’all heard this song? It is infectious, happy, joyous and I love it. if you haven’t heard it google it right now and let it play – be warned you must be able to jam a little when you hear it…

Literally I walked into the first appointment by shuffling, scooting and maybe even toe tapping to the rhythm that was just laid down on my commute in by Andy Grammar:

“Feels good to be alive right about now
Good, good, good, good to be alive right about now
Good, good, good, good to be alive right about now
Hallelujah, let that bass line move ya, say hey
And it's good to be alive right about now”

Yes sir… It is good to be alive right about now.

On our way into see our favorite phlebotomist we pass the PICU and the doors are open and I get a shot in the long hallway with glass windows and rooms on either side…

There is a round up of PICU teams outside a room updating and counseling on condition of their patients. I see parents who are scared, tired, aching and suffering from the unknown future, pacing and walking in and out for an update with family or a quick minute to grab a bite to eat. I am stopped in my tracks having a flashback of all of these things that I painfully know too well.

Slowly the doors shut and I am standing there reflecting on how far we have come in the past 6 weeks – really the past 11 weeks.

11 weeks ago today we were in the PICU feeling overwhelmed, confused, shocked and in disbelief about how a Pediatrician appointment could turn into a nightmare and ultimately a diagnosis that would change the rest of our lives.

As I was there I prayed for the families and children that were in there. I prayed for the amazing PICU staff and team who endlessly care for the children and families. I sent all the good vibes I could muster in that moment. My intentions for them that one day they would be able to take peace and sheer joy in the song I was just humming and be able to one day feel the gratitude, thankfulness, relief and amazement of the gift of life - so they too could shout in their car like I was moments ago “Good, good, good, good to be alive right about now”… Then I took a deep breath, composed myself and we continued on our way.

Big John was ready and waiting for us – we missed HIM (not what was about to happen – HA)! It had been an entire week since we had seen him – WOO WOO! We went back to the room and I am not kidding you – he set a world record – literally we were picked and drawn in less than 45 seconds – I should start timing this stuff!

This man is so special – and so kind. He just cares so much about what he does. Brodie even smiled at him before and after – just for good measure. I told him how amazing he was and truly how special he is and that we are thankful for him every day. Every day. He smiled and as always reminds me that he will always give Brodie his best. Yes, John – you do. Every. Time.

We went down and I got my Starbucks fuel – I ran into some friendly faces in line – which is always fun when you can have some adult conversation… And then I ran into our hero – Dr. Hashimoto (Brodie’s Surgeon) – who saw me from the hallway and came in to say hello.

I probably scared the crap out of him when I bear-hugged him and told him how thankful we are for him and how things are progressing. His eyes went to Brodie in the stroller and lit up as he saw Brodie’s huge saucer eyes staring right back. It was a moment between a surgeon and patient to celebrate – that at this moment – right now. Life is good.

We chatted about Brodie and the recent News story with WKYC – and again me letting him know how amazing he was and how thankful we are for him and his talents. And then he was off – to surgery – AKA saving someone else’s life. Ya know – no big deal - Just another day on the job. Human Hero.

After I got my fuel we made our way down to see another regular visit – Ultrasound. Adrienne took care of us today and I think Brodie got some of my toe-tapping spirit and he wiggled and waggled the whole time probably singing “Good, good, good, good to be alive right about now” – so Adrienne and I embraced the wiggliness of my nugget and occasionally when she needed a good image I fed him a bottle and he calmed down.

Great news on the mass (there was an unresolved pool of fluid that has been reducing itself in size that we have been monitoring) – it still looks like it is resolving itself.

As Mr. Grammar says in our theme song “Hallelujah, let that bass line move ya, say hey and it's good to be alive right about now...” Hallelujah is right.

Next up lunch - Donna (the live liver transplant coordinator & my nurse) came and visited us and watched Brodie literally inhale – INHALE peas – it was hilarious please look at his picture – he literally was trying to steal the bowl from me I could not feed him fast enough. This little guy has been eating like a little piglet. My friend Buket also came to eat with me.

We had our final appointment with Dr. Krishnan and our Nurse Practitioner Cathy Tichy – Brodie was perplexed and suspicious but eventually smiles and turned on the charm as he realized that there was nothing “major” that was going to happen.

Everything looks great. Liver levels, prograf levels, weight – he is at 18# 5oz – incision looks amazing. Everything is just great.

Thank God.

Dr. Krishnan and I started talking about the very beginning of this journey – you see he was one of the Drs. Who worked around the clock when we first came in to diagnose Brodie. He is the one who delivered us the news that it was Biliary Atresia that we were dealing with and surgery would confirm his suspicion. That was 11 weeks ago. 11.

11 Weeks ago we were admitted to the PICU because Brodie’s INR levels were a 9+ and there was fear that he might bleed out on his brain and now he has a brand new liver and is demolishing peas, carrots, green beans and any other soft baby food we put in front of him. He is thriving.

And here we are at Thanksgiving. One of my personal favorite holidays. You see this holiday always makes me reflect on my life – it always has. It is the one holiday where I allow myself to actually stop and think about LIVING in the moment – where am I in life? What am I thankful for? What can I do for others? Where and What I need to change to get back in re-alignment with where and who I want to be.

There are always these big scenarios that I build up about how I am going to move mountains and give big. Then I have to remind myself I do not need to change the world in a second. There are simple ways to give and spread human compassion and kindness.

There is always someone who needs more love. There is always someone who needs to feel like they belong. There is always someone who is hurting and needs help. There is always someone who needs a hug and be told it is going to be ok. There is always someone who needs to know you are there for them. There is always someone who is under-appreciated in our life that we can tell how much they mean to us.

Who can you impact this Thanksgiving?

All it takes is a text, email, call, message, hug, handshake, smile, friendly wave to make it happen for one.

In today’s world we can do that so simply – reach out to someone.

I am overwhelmed in the past 11 weeks with the amount of people that have impacted us. There is no way that I can communicate the overwhelming gratitude and amazement we have for modern medicine. There is no way that I can let every single person know how much they have meant to us. There is no way I can find and reach back out to everyone we have interacted with over the past 11 weeks. To tell everyone what they have meant to us. But I can try – one person at a time. One thank you at a time. One bear hug at a time. One smile at a time.

My gratitude this year is very simple. It lays within one-pint-sized-rainbow-scar-wearing-6-month-old-warrior and one-ferocious-sparkly-fierce-spirited-threenager and one amazing resilient partner in crime husband. This little tribe I have that I am so thankful for as we navigate through this so called life.

Just thankful and living in the present.

“Sometimes you gotta get scars to get what you deserve
I kept moving on and now I'm moving up
Damn, I'm feeling blessed with all this love”

Still jamming to the beat of my song...

Happy Thanksgiving Brodie’s Good Vibe Tribe - we are so very thankful for you.

#‎brodiesgoodvibetribe #‎sliverofliver #‎tiguetough #‎thegoodstuff

Update: 11/20/2015 - LOVE and LIFE

Update: 11/20 - I have struggled to write an update this week… I am so overwhelmed with so many emotions I just can’t seem to pen my thoughts because I am not thinking straight… So here goes nothing....

Every morning I am waking up and I hold my breath… I think I go through my morning motions without breathing sometimes… I am afraid to. What if.. What will.. is playing in my mind..

And then as I am holding my breath peering into Brodie’s crib for the first time – I see a gummy (still toothless) smile, big shiny eyes – that play with my mama heart strings – and literally scream at me “we are going to have a great day mama – let’s do this!”

And that is how my confidence is increasing each day – because my 6-month old is speaking to me with his beautiful eyes telling me we will DOMINATE this day and every day here on out

Right on, little warrior. Right. On.

There was an author Thomas S. Monson who said “The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.” And that is where I am trying to focus my thoughts and “train my brain” to focus on – take each as it comes and LIVE.

You see we are out of the “clear” as the operation stands, however, with anyone who has gone through a transplant there is always “fear” that lingers around…It is like lurking in two corners just waiting… Those two “fears” revolve around two things – rejection & infection.

When you receive an organ from someone – anyone – it is foreign to your body so there is a chance that the body might “attack” that organ and start rejecting it.

Someone recently asked me so when are you in the safe zone? When do you know that Brodie really has accepted your liver? That stumped me so I talked to the team at the Clinic about it.

The answer? Never.

You never really know you are safe – and you never really are. That is why you take the immunosuppressant (that is the time sensitive medication – you take it twice a day – 12 hours apart). This is what Brodie will be taking for the rest of his life. Which is fabulous that we have this medication but there is something about this that isn’t so fabulous…

Oh…why wouldn’t this be fabulous you are wondering? Well… Let me share. What does the immunosuppressant do? It dials down your immune system so it doesn’t attack the liver. Which in turn also makes you much more susceptible to – the 2nd Fear – INFECTION

What season are we starting to get into? Cold and flu season. Bllaaaahhh – icccccckkkk. So the whole army of anti-bodies that you have when you are healthy – that army is being wiped out (not entirely but to a really small fleet of soldiers) daily by the medication.

What that means to us is infection right now is high on the radar of reality – it is not a question of IF Brodie will get sick it is just WHEN will he get sick.

Of course our hopes are that it will be after the New Year so it gives his body time to heal his liver and his liver is strong before anything starts making it work harder than it should. We are taking meds right now for infection that we will eventually get off of but they are helping us through this period. Anything can happen.

So as we are preparing for the future – we need to be living in the present – so let’s discuss...

What does this mean for our reality?

It means LIVE our life and be SMART – stay away from people who are sick with cold and flus. Do NOT let people touch our little love nugget. Keep his beautiful-hands-on-I-Want-to-help-with-everything-big-3-year-old-sister out of the room when she gets sick. But remind ourselves that is life we need to be proactive and smart – “the future is ahead – prepare for it” we need to be on point with a plan and know what we need to do.

As for our current reality – yesterday was BRODIE’S ONE MONTH LIVER BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Can you believe it has been one month? We are straight out of the gates of being one-month POST LIVER TRANSPLANT SURGERY.

I am here to yell from the rooftops (move over Santa) WE ARE BILIARY ATRESIA FREE and doing AMAZING.

You all would not believe it – you simply would not. This little warrior, this little love nugget, this little amazing fighter is doing just great. 
Here are some major “normal baby” milestones that we have had in the past two weeks:

· Rolling over back to front (thanks to Grammy’s boot camps :)

· Starting cereal, green beans and squash (LOVES cereal, HATES green beans, Undetermined on squash)

· Starting to sit on own

I mean what??? This little guy who just had the biggest surgery ever is acting just like a normal six month old – just with TON of med intake and a huge healing incision. It is such a miracle to watch. Let me bring you up to medical speed for “The Bro-meister” (as Harper refers to Brodie).

Monday is our big day at the clinic as you all know – we started with our favorite phlebotomist in town – Big John who always gives us his best. This blood pull was a little harder than normal – John explained that Brodie’s veins are starting to harden and scar so it will continue to get harder as we go – especially since we are coming in two days a week. UGH – last thing as a Mother you want to hear – like blood pulls aren’t scary and hard enough to go through NOW from a facilitation standpoint they will even be HARDER… nonetheless John was a true blue rockstar and we were done in about 3-5 minutes – Brodie wailed and cried – but nothing a bottle couldn’t fix.

We continued down to get our Ultrasound. Remember last time there was the pool of liquid that had formed next to his portal vein (so in our minds we were on pins and needles)… We needed to see how things were going and see how “IT” was progressing. During the ultrasound Brodie was a completely different baby than last week – minimal tears just a wiggly little guy. Our tech Missy had taken care of us in the PICU and was patient and I think Brodie was a little taken with her – he wanted to help her out and held on to the wand as she whisked through picture after picture of all the fluid flow, exact organ measurements and Blobs (J) to make sure all was accounted for and on point.

We then had our “TRANSPLANT CLINIC” to review everything (remember this is where ALL the staff comes to you GI Team / Surgeon / Nurses / Psychologist / Pharmacist / Dietician / etc.)

Here were some of the main points:

· Brodie has GAINED almost 2 LBs and is weighing in at 17# 12oz – woot woot! Starting off on a good note!

· We are getting off AquAdeks (this is the orange stain pain – WOOP WOOP!) and on Vitamin D

· Our blood draws are going down to ONE DAY A WEEK!

· The mass has GONE DOWN and at this point looks like it will self correct itself – WOOT WOOT!

In Summary, Brodie is healing and on track.

As I am typing this I just got notified that our story got picked up by Parents Magazine – WHAT????? What is going on – I am amazed and thrilled that people are responding to our amazing journey.

Sooooo LET’S DO THIS - in true rock star fashion let’s jam to what the legend Jon Bon Jovi says “Believe in love. Believe in magic. Hell, believe in Santa Claus. Believe in others. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. If you don’t, who will?”

Let this six month-old warrior Brodie Tigue allow you to believe.

Believe that your wildest dreams can come true. BELIEVE that what you THINK might not be possible – IS. BELIEVE that what might be HARD to achieve – CAN BE. BELIEVE that what might be out of reach – STRETCH a little farther. BELIEVE that maybe, just maybe, you need to BELIEVE.


#brodiesgoodvibetribe #sliverofliver #tiguetough #thegoodstuff

Update: 11/19/2015 - BGVT Picked up by USA TODAY!

When this roller coaster ride started with Biliary Atresia and Organ Donation - Russ and I promised each other to stay positive, drive forward, strive for the best and never lose faith. Yesterday our journey was shared locally (WKYC) and today the story was picked up nationally (USA Today) we can only hope to help others with small daily challenges or larger life challenges - positivity and optimism - one day at a time. #brodiesgoodvibetribe #sliverofliver #TIGUETOUGH


Update: 11/18/2015 - BGVT Debut on TV with WKYC Dawn Kendrick


CHECK IT OUT - Here is part 2!!!! Dawn Kendrick Reporter, Chris Kunz and WKYC Channel 3 - Cleveland #‎THEGOODSTUFF is#‎AMAZINGSTUFF thank-you for spreading our story! We LOVE OUR LITTLE WARRIOR and Brodie's Good Vibe Tribe #‎tiguetough #‎sliverofliver#‎brodiesgoodvibetribe


Update - 11/16/2015 - #Kroger4BGVT


Hi Kroger -

We have been recently been thrown a curveball in life - our 5 month old son had to receive a liver transplant. As his Mother, I was lucky enough to be his match and we both have under gone a successful transplant with the Cleveland Clinic - we are 4 weeks post transplant and your employees did something that must be recognized for awesomeness! Here is a snapshot....

Going through this "life test" has been terrifying and exciting knowing that this was going to save our son's life. We asked for the support of everyone by showing us their "spirit" and sending us "good vibes" - we designed Brodie's Good Vibe Tribe gear that people could purchase to show their support and wear on our big transplant day. We then asked people to post pictures of themselves to Brodie's Good Vibe Tribe page so we could rally our spirits with the tough recovery days ahead.

As I was recovering from my surgery in the ICU and my son still in transplant surgery - we logged in to see our "tribe" cheering us on. Imagine my surprise when I saw 20 employees from a Kroger store in Dayton, Ohio all with our BGVT gear on. We live in Cleveland Ohio - with no direct ties to the Dayton area. Through the power of social media - Steve Leffew and his team heard about our story and banded together to show us support.

We were amazed, humbled and so touched that a team that we have never spoken to or met would take the time, energy and money to support our family and rally us through the toughest day of our life.

Kroger I know the six values you have are typically in alignment with the retail side "in store" however know your employees in this store location are living out your values of honesty, integrity, respect and inclusion to impact people out of the store as well.

People have shown us great compassion and kindness throughout our journey and this blew us away!

To see a company rally around a good cause, to be kind and know it is making a difference in someone's world - this is what we need more people and organizations to be. From the bottom of our hearts - thank you.

#‎brodiesgoodvibetribe #‎sliverofliver #‎tiguetough