Update: 11/20/2016 #AG4BGVT

Remember this time last year? When a little boy was surrounded by card love? Literally surrounded??? THE all time greatest card company – American Greetings loved on us – I came home to over 200+ cards that were sent to care of the Tigue Tribe - they lifted our spirits with #AG4Brodie – I know I will never forget – the care, the feelings and the love that we felt with each signature and note on every card.

Today we got to start a little movement #AG4BGVT at the 2nd annual A Special Wish Cleveland Chapter Princess Ball Fundraiser put on by ASW at SouthPark Mall With Kristi Capel from Fox 8 News - little princesses and parents created over 100 cards and handmade pictures that we will send to people who need support or a lift and some GOOD VIBES!!!!!

What an amazing event BGVT was so honored to be a part of. As we are getting started with our nonprofit and "being the good" to pay it forward to those who need it.

The princesses (and some princes, too) took time they could have been spending meeting the Disney princesses, to draw pictures, write messages of well wishes and happy thoughts to send to people who are in the hospital. And they took their jobs very seriously, too, spending a lot of time drawing the prettiest pictures and making sure everything was perfect.

We were also able to spread the message about what Brodie's Good Vibe Tribe is all about -- what each of you helped us create -- a tribe that rallies around those who need their spirits lifted.

Want your littles, bigs or in betweens to help lift spirits and spread positivity? Have a church, scout, sports team that you want to teach to think of others.

Send us your cards, colored pictures, artwork, paintings for us to send out!
 ATTN: BGVT 5039 Walden Lane Brunswick OH 44212

Check out the photo album for ALL pictures taken <3 <3

#BGVT #bethegooddolife #DOnateLIFE #brodiesgoodvibetribe#TIGUEtough #sliverofliver #biliaryatresiawarrior #thegoodstuff #give2live#ASW #AG4BGVT